Historiadores en contra de la guerra y de la masacre
de civiles en Gaza que critican el accionar israelí, pero sin avalar los cohetes
de Hamas. Para firmar se entra en el primer link que te lleva al texto de a
petición, y allí buscar en azulito "sign", click y te abre para firmar. El
segundo link es el listado de firmantes a la fecha.
El día miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2014
13:12, Marc Becker <marc@yachana.org> escribió:
Our Historians Against the War group is requesting signatures for our
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Historians’ Gaza Petition
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:27:59 -0500
From: Marc Becker <marc@yachana.org>
To: gaza@lists.historiansagainstwar.org
Dear Fellow Historians,
Thank you very much for signing the petition on the crisis in Gaza. We
are thrilled to announce that more than 600 historians have signed it.
We are writing to ask you to help in two ways. First, could you please
circulate the petition to any historians you know who have not yet
signed it? The petition and current list of signers are at
http://historiansagainstwar.org/gazapetition.html .
Second, in addition to delivering this petition to President Obama and
members of Congress, we would like to get maximum attention for the fact
that so many historians have signed this petition. If you have media
skills or contacts and you would be willing to help us on this, please
let us know.
Finally, this is a one-time email to those who have signed the petition.
If you are not already on the Historians Against the War email list and
would like to continue to receive information from us, please join our
low-volume announcement-only list at
http://stopthewars.org/mailman/listinfo/haw-info_stopthewars.org .
Thank you.
Margaret Power
Historians Against the War (HAW)
Historians' Letter to President Obama and Members of Congress
We deplore the ongoing attacks against civilians in Gaza and in Israel.
We also recognize the disproportionate harm that the Israeli military,
which the United States has armed and supported for decades, is
inflicting on the population of Gaza.
We are profoundly disturbed that Israeli forces are killing and wounding
so many Palestinian children. Desperate conditions in Gaza resulting
from Israeli policies have made effective evacuation of war zones
virtually impossible. We regard as unacceptable the failure of United
States elected officials to hold Israel accountable for such acts.
As we watch the death toll mount and observe the terror of the trapped
inhabitants in Gaza, we call upon you to demand a cease-fire, the
immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza, and a permanent end to
the blockade so that its people can resume some semblance of normal
life. We urge you to suspend US military aid to Israel, until there is
assurance that this aid will no longer be used for the commission of war
As historians, we recognize this as a moment of acute moral crisis in
which it is vitally important that United States policy towards the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict change direction.
If you have not already done so, please sign this petition at
Laps mailing list
Our Historians Against the War group is requesting signatures for our
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Historians’ Gaza Petition
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 11:27:59 -0500
From: Marc Becker <marc@yachana.org>
To: gaza@lists.historiansagainstwar.org
Dear Fellow Historians,
Thank you very much for signing the petition on the crisis in Gaza. We
are thrilled to announce that more than 600 historians have signed it.
We are writing to ask you to help in two ways. First, could you please
circulate the petition to any historians you know who have not yet
signed it? The petition and current list of signers are at
http://historiansagainstwar.org/gazapetition.html .
Second, in addition to delivering this petition to President Obama and
members of Congress, we would like to get maximum attention for the fact
that so many historians have signed this petition. If you have media
skills or contacts and you would be willing to help us on this, please
let us know.
Finally, this is a one-time email to those who have signed the petition.
If you are not already on the Historians Against the War email list and
would like to continue to receive information from us, please join our
low-volume announcement-only list at
http://stopthewars.org/mailman/listinfo/haw-info_stopthewars.org .
Thank you.
Margaret Power
Historians Against the War (HAW)
Historians' Letter to President Obama and Members of Congress
We deplore the ongoing attacks against civilians in Gaza and in Israel.
We also recognize the disproportionate harm that the Israeli military,
which the United States has armed and supported for decades, is
inflicting on the population of Gaza.
We are profoundly disturbed that Israeli forces are killing and wounding
so many Palestinian children. Desperate conditions in Gaza resulting
from Israeli policies have made effective evacuation of war zones
virtually impossible. We regard as unacceptable the failure of United
States elected officials to hold Israel accountable for such acts.
As we watch the death toll mount and observe the terror of the trapped
inhabitants in Gaza, we call upon you to demand a cease-fire, the
immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza, and a permanent end to
the blockade so that its people can resume some semblance of normal
life. We urge you to suspend US military aid to Israel, until there is
assurance that this aid will no longer be used for the commission of war
As historians, we recognize this as a moment of acute moral crisis in
which it is vitally important that United States policy towards the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict change direction.
If you have not already done so, please sign this petition at
Laps mailing list
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